. International 4900, 1991, 7.6L, DT466, Auto Tran, Air B, 10.5ft Dump, r, O#4503
International 4900, 1991, 7.6L, DT466, Auto Tran, Air B, 10.5ft Dump, r, O#4503
Engine: 7.6L, DT466,
Automatic Transmission, Air Brake,
GVWR: Class 8: 33,001 lb and above (14,969 kg and above), WheelBase 176in, 4×2,
Km: 133657km, as per odometer,
10.5ft Dump,
Price: “AS IS”***, or PARTING OUT, ENGINE (RUNS as of mar/2020, current condition of engine to be verified), TRANSMISSION, DUMP, etc, have 3 total similar,
905-857-6200 ext. 1 —O#4503
O-feb25j, Oj-sep/21,
***The motor vehicle and/or engine or parts is being sold “AS IS” and is not represented as being in road worthy condition, mechanically sound or maintained at any guaranteed level of quality. The vehicle and/or engine or parts may not be fit for use as a means of transportation and may require substantial repairs at the purchaser’s expense. It may not be possible to register the vehicle to be driven in its current condition.***√
Truck Year 1991
Truck Make International
Truck Model 4900
Engine Make International
Engine Model DT466
Cab Type80 Inch Wide Steel Cab 68 ABC
ManufacturerNavistar International Transportation Corp.
Production Seq. Number 344503
Engine Type L6, 7.6L (466 CID)
Fuel Type Diesel
Engine Code Z7
Drive Line Type4x2
Vehicle TypeTruck
Brake System Air
Assy. PlantSpringfield, OH
GVWR Class Class 8: 33,001 lb And Over
GVWR Prod Range33,001-55,000 lb
Check Digit1
runs mar/20,